Memorie di natura

12. May 2021
- 12. June 2021

For the opening of the new exhibition MEMORIE DI NATURA with the Italian painter FRANCO VIOLA on May 12, 2021, you and your company are invited to visit us in time slots of 30 minutes between 2 and 8 pm! Due to the current situation, we kindly ask you to pre-register at

You will be welcomed for an individual guided tour by the gallery owner Jörg Heitsch, the curator of the exhibition Elmar Zorn and the artist Franco Viola.

Franco Viola’s works radiate freshness and unconsumedness. Pictorial motifs of German and American Expressionism seem to overlap. But it is precisely the independence of the painter, who lives in the port city of Gaeta, that has been emphasized by leading art historians, such as Manfred Schneckenburger: “Hardly any other artist has so decisively transformed landscape into manageable, clear layers of space and reduced them to a few essential patterns.”

The artist signs his publication entitled “Towards the Indefinite / Verso l’Indefinito” published by Hatje Cantz.

Enjoy art!

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