Experience MAGIC VIBES until December 31st!

After a successful launch of our top-class exhibition MAGIC VIBES, you now have the opportunity to discover the art of Anke Eilergerhard, Antonio Marra and Kinga in our gallery until the end of the year.
As part of the exhibition MAGIC VIBES and their lively creations of complex multidimensional works of art, selected students of multimedia art enter into a dialogue with works at the interface between the digital and analog world – analyzed and explained on site by Anke Eilergerhard and Antonio Marra.

Special Art Event Party Saturday, December 16, 2023
Mulled wine warm-up: 4 p.m. Art event party with open bar 7 p.m

The walls feature live visuals from Patrick Aere and Megan Kaja, as well as generative art, video art and music.

Reservations at:pr@heitschgallery.com

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