Shipping costs:
Country | Shipping costs (incl. packing) in € |
Deutschland | 35 |
Belgien | 45 |
Bulgarien | 45 |
Dänemark | 45 |
Estland | 45 |
Finnland | 45 |
Frankreich | 45 |
Griechenland | 45 |
Großbritannien | 45 |
Irland | 45 |
Italien | 45 |
Kroatien | 45 |
Lettland | 45 |
Litauen | 45 |
Luxemburg | 45 |
Malta | 45 |
Monaco | 55 |
Niederlande | 45 |
Österreich | 45 |
Polen | 45 |
Portugal | 45 |
Rumänien | 45 |
Schweden | 45 |
Slowakei | 45 |
Slowenien | 45 |
Spanien | 45 |
Tschechien | 45 |
Ungarn | 45 |
Zypern | 45 |
Schweiz | 55 |
Andorra | 55 |
Albanien | 55 |
Belarus | 55 |
Bosnien-Herzegowina | 55 |
Georgien | 55 |
Gibraltar (Großbritannien) | 55 |
Grönland | 55 |
Island | 55 |
Kosovo | 55 |
Liechtenstein | 55 |
Mazedonien | 55 |
Moldawien | 55 |
Montenegro | 55 |
Norwegen | 55 |
San Marino | 55 |
Serbien | 55 |
Türkei | 55 |
Ukraine | 55 |
Vatikanstadt | 55 |
Russland | 55 |
USA | 55 |
Ägypten | 55 |
Algerien | 55 |
Armenien | 55 |
Aserbaidschan | 55 |
Israel | 55 |
Jordanien | 55 |
Kanada | 55 |
Kasachstan | 55 |
Libanon | 55 |
Libyen | 55 |
Marokko | 55 |
Syrien | 55 |
Tunesien | 55 |
China | 55 |
Customs and import duties for deliveries to countries outside the EU:
If delivery to countries outside the EU is offered in the order process, the following applies: We would like to point out that in the case of deliveries to countries outside the European Union (third countries), further customs duties or taxes may be incurred as soon as the purchased goods have reached the third country. These further customs duties or taxes are to be borne by the buyer. The Seller has no control over these charges and cannot predict the amount as customs regulations vary considerably from country to country. In the case of delivery to a third country, we recommend that the buyer enquire about possible customs charges or local taxes at the customs office responsible for the third country.
Note on the risk of damage to or loss of the goods in transit:
We would like to point out that the seller bears the risk of loss of or damage to the goods in transit, irrespective of any transport insurance, if the buyer is a natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly not attributable to his or her commercial or self-employed activity (consumer within the meaning of § 13 BGB).
Means of payment:
We offer the following means of payment:
Credit card (VISA, Master Card, American Express)