Henning von Gierke‘s works are painted stagings of life. His paintings impress not only by the masterful implementation of the paintings, but especially by his profound themes that lead us through his everyday life, raising essential questions of existence and illuminate them in the context of nature, religion, philosophy and art history in the here and now. Art – and especially his art – manages to make us reflect on the unknown. What happens to our minds when we die? What is justice? What is beauty? And what, ultimately, is the meaning of life?

Henning von Gierke manages to go beyond purely objective beauty and to understand art as a science of the senses that educates us. His success speaks for itself: he has not only captivated me with his profound painting, but film greats such as Werner Herzog, directors such as Wolfgang Wagner and Michael Hampe, and conductors such as Wolfgang Sawallisch have also sought his collaboration. A large international audience and long-time collectors accompany the painter on his way. Art is, next to language, the oldest form of communication and conveys through the respective medium between the lines the essence of life for those who are in search of meaning and the essential.

Click on the following link to see the official catalog of the exhibition “The Constant Change“.

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