True Colours

17. January 2025
- 04. May 2025

In the new series “JUKEBOX” and “TARGET” by Jürgen Paas, the installed wall and floor objects are reduced to the elementary formal language of line, circle and square. On the one hand, composed of spirally wound ribbons of color, on the other hand, added together in vertical stripes, they only reveal their diverse visual experience to us as we walk around or pass by. Color stripes arranged in different rows allow the viewer to gain insights from comparing the individual objects with each other, which comes from the selection of colors and their interaction with one another. Optical color mixtures and apparent rotations of the objects are reminiscent of kinetic art, but go far beyond this in the assignment of different forms superimposed on one another in the wall installations. The complexity of these installations relates to the entire perception of the space in which they are used and influences the viewing experience through their constellation to one another and the respective perspective that the viewer takes as they walk past.

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